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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 18, 2019


        Teen sentenced to 40 years in fatal shooting

           A Wayne teen will spend the  tried as an adult in the death of  attempted theft escalated into  on arrival.             less act had destroyed lives,
        next 25 to 40 years in prison fol-  Devin Woods Nov. 26  outside the  the shooting death. Woods, 19,  Perry entered a guilty plea  including his own. Prosecutors
        lowing his guilty plea to the  Hype Athletic Center in Wayne.  managed to crawl into the athlet-  during court proceedings last  alleged that Perry shot Woods
        charge of second-degree murder  Prosecutors alleged that the  ic center where emergency     month.                         more than 10 times.
        and a felony weapons charge.   shooting took place as Perry   responders transported him to    Wayne County Circuit Court    The judge ordered no contact
           Antoine Perry, 16 at the time  tried to take marijuana from  Beaumont Hospital in Wayne  Judge Regina Thomas sentenced  between Perry and the Woods
        of the shooting last year, was  Woods without paying and the  where he was pronounced dead  Perry, telling him that his sense-  family.
        Girls, Golf and Gadgets day-camp set for Aug. 12-22

           The City of Westland and    could help sustain young                                                                    strengthen students' interest in
        University of Michigan-Dearborn  women's interest in STEM sub-                           ”                                 STEM subjects during their iden-
        are pairing sports and technology  jects through this critical time.           It's also about leveraging                  tity-shaping teenage years.
        to keep young women dreaming   One idea was a two-week day             creativity and unique expertise to create             Westland Mayor William R.
        big about STEM during the free  camp that combines building                                                                Wild says partnerships with UM-
        Girls, Golf and Gadgets two-week  mobile apps at the Jefferson                  fun, rewarding learning                    Dearborn faculty, staff and stu-
        day camp.                      Barns Learning Lab with playing               opportunities for local youth.                dents are crucial to pulling off
           Westland and the University  golf at the Westland Municipal                                                             innovative projects like Girls,
        of Michigan-Dearborn College of  Golf Course.                                                                              Golf and Gadgets.
        Engineering and Computer         UM-Dearborn golf coach Kelly   Computer science professor  teacher and Jefferson Barns      “Part of that is about a pooling
        Science (CECS) already have a  Kuhlman, who's handling the golf  Brahim Medjahed says pairing  Learning Lab Director Josh  of resources,” commented Wild.
        successful mentoring program at  part of the Girls, Golf and  sports with app development   Rychlicki will teach participants  “But it's also about leveraging
        the Jefferson Barns Learning   Gadgets program, says golf and  makes a lot of sense from his per-  how to build apps for their  creativity and unique expertise
        Lab, which hopes to spark stu-  app development aren't as     spective, too. “I like to think that  phones. The connection is that  to create fun, rewarding learning
        dent's college and career dreams  strange a match as they may  computational thinking is fun in  the apps will be designed to help  opportunities for local youth.
        by pairing UM-Dearborn stu-    appear. She says technology and  its own right,” Medjahed com-  students with some aspects of  This unique program offers
        dents with youth in the historic  analytics are playing a bigger  mented, “But it's summer. Kids  their golf game, for example, rec-  opportunity for advancement of
        Norwayne neighborhood.         role in the sport mare than ever.  want to be outside. And they love  ommending an appropriate club  both marketable STEM skills and
           “Studies have shown that the  With constant mental analysis of  their phones. So why not teach  based on the distance to the hole.  the soft skills of athletics.”
        middle to high school transition  distances, trajectories and angles  them about coding, but in a way  What the apps do specifically  According to Ghassan Kridli,
        is when some young women start  of approach, there's a ton of com-  that seems fun to them?”  will be left up to the students'  CECS associate dean and profes-
        shifting away from things like  putational problem solving that's  That's why the summer camp  imaginations.               sor, “The Girls, Golf and Gadgets
        engineering and computer sci-  involved in the game.          will include a half day of golf  UM-Dearborn education pro-  program offers a way to kindle
        ence,” said Jeanne Girard, direc-  The Girls, Golf and Gadgets  instruction with Kuhlman and  fessor Mesut Duran will also be  curiosity among the participants
        tor of Extended Learning and   program is set for Aug. 12     her student-athletes and another  lending his expertise with a post-  in STEM education by helping
        Outreach at UM-Dearborn.       through 22. Participants can reg-  half where Medjahed, two of his  project evaluation. In particular,  them develop their own connec-
           Given this challenge, Girard  ister through July 26at umdear-  standout female computer sci-  he's interested to see if pairing  tions of the applications of STEM
        and her team of collaborators set . There is  ence students, and Wayne-  sports with STEM activities can  in everyday life. The success of
        out to design a program that   no cost for the program.       Westland computer science     do what the team hopes it can do,  the program is a win for all.”
        Beaumont Wayne is site of employee protest rally

           Scores of caregivers were   other Beaumont executives with                            ”                                 tiple stations; extensive social
        expected at Beaumont Hospital  double digit compensation                  We need better staffing throughout               media ads which use the hash-
        Wayne yesterday for a planned  increases and well over $1 mil-                                                             tag     #UnitedForABetter
        “Rally for Quality Care & Good  lion each in compensation in          the hospital so we can provide better care.          Beaumont and “tag” Beaumont
        Jobs.” Healthcare workers at   2017, the latest year that IRS              We're dealing with people's lives,              Health; informational flyers dis-
        Beaumont hospitals in Taylor,  data is available. Beaumont                                                                 tributed to patients and commu-
        Trenton and Wayne have serious  workers, who are members of              we're not a factory or assembly line.             nity members at the three hospi-
        concerns about the quality of  SEIU Healthcare Michigan,                                                                   tals; an online video featuring
        care for their patients, and are  have been trying to negotiate a  has unique needs and should be  environmental services, nutri-  Beaumont caregivers speaking
        struggling with severe under-  new union contract with urgent-  treated according to their illness.  tion services, patient trans-  out about their personal experi-
        staffing, unaffordable healthcare  ly needed improvements since  The certified nursing assistants  porters, patient sitters, clerks  ences; ongoing press confer-
        and wages as low as $9.45 an   the last agreement expired on  and transporters often feel like  and others. In order to get man-  ences and protests at Beaumont
        hour, which make it extremely  June 30, 2018, but management  we're rushing. If a nursing assis-  agement to listen to their con-  events; opinion pieces in news
        difficult to recruit and retain  is not providing necessary finan-  tant has 12 patients or even  cerns, caregivers have launched  outlets by caregivers and
        qualified staff, according to a  cial information and has been  more, it's extremely difficult to  a major public information  increasing workplace actions.
        prepared release from SEIU, the  delaying negotiations, the pre-  provide personalized care to  effort to inform their patients,  “We have been meeting with
        union which represents health-  pared statement claimed.      each one. I felt cheated and  elected officials and community  the SEIU for over a year, bar-
        care workers at Beaumont.        “I'm a people person so I love  unappreciated by Beaumont  members.     The    outreach   gaining in good faith, with the
           Tensions have boiled over   making sure my patients are    when I learned of the huge exec-  includes a mobile billboard that  goal of reaching a mutually
        recently as caregivers discov-  well cared for,” said Estella  utive payouts. Recently manage-  is circling the three hospitals  agreeable labor contract. We
        ered that Beaumont Health had  Harding, who has been a patient  ment told us if we lower the  and Beaumont corporate head-  have met with multiple SEIU
        more than $4.6 billion in rev-  transporter at Beaumont       number of patient falls, they'll  quarters;  a     website   negotiators in more than 24 ses-
        enue and $142 million in profits  Hospital in Wayne for almost 30  throw us a pizza party. We don't  www.UnitedForABetter  sions. We remain committed to
        last year, and that CEO John Fox  years. “But we need better  need a pizza party, we need safe which allows  continuing to bargain in good
        received an 82 percent total   staffing throughout the hospital  staffing to protect our patients.”  community members to email  faith with the union and are
        compensation increase to more  so we can provide better care.    The 1,000 caregivers include  and call CEO John Fox; letters to  looking forward to coming to an
        than $5.6 million in 2017, the  We're dealing with people's lives,  certified nursing assistants,  local, state and federal elected  agreement,” commented Aaron
        press release stated. Tax docu-  we're not a factory or assembly  emergency room techs, operat-  officials; a one-minute radio ad  Gillingham, Beaumont chief
        ments also reveal a long list of  line. Every patient is different,  ing room techs, pharmacy techs,  which will air frequently on mul-  human resources officer.


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