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May 15, 2014
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April 28, 2014
Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem, John Barden.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Kathleen Abdo, John Barden, Linda Choate, Harry Crout, Sylvia Makowski, Celeste
William Wadsworth.
Administrative Officials in Attendance:
LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
Stacy Paige, Treasurer
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Roscoe to accept the agenda as amended.
Roll Call Vote:
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried
14-146 2A.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Abdo to approve the minutes of the regular meeting
of the Romulus City Council held on April 14, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
-Abdo, Barden, Choate,
Crout, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
None. Abstain
-Makowski, due to absence.
Motion Carried
14-147 2B.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Abdo to approve the minutes of the special meeting
of the Romulus City Council held on April 14, 2014 - 6:00 p.m. study session, 2014-15 City Budget.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Makowski, due to absence.
Motion Carried
3A. Petitioner: None
4. Chairperson's Report:
Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden announced the Household Hazardous
Waste Collection will be held at Wayne County Community College in Belleville on Saturday, May
3, 2014 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. For more information call: 734-326-3936.
14-148 4A.
Moved by Abdo, seconded by Wadsworth to accept the memorandum of agreement
between the City of Romulus and the Police Officers Association of Michigan.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried
14-149 4B. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Crout to recognize Betsey Kramptiz on her retire-
ment from the City of Romulus.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski,
Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by Choate, seconded by Makowski to accept the Chairperson's Report.
Roll Call Vote:
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Carried Unanimously
5. Mayor's Report:
Mayor LeRoy Burcroff acknowledged the following Teamsters employees on
the fine job they did painting the lobby at City Hall on a furlough day: Bill Gibson, Jerry Frayer,
Mark Kincaid, Kassim McNeil, Rob Roscoe, Joe Sylvester, and Doug Lawrence.
14-150 5A1.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to acknowledge the following employees
for their years of service to the City of Romulus: Garland Sperry, Jim Poet, Darius Timmons, John
Fauls, Todd Tingstad, Mike Gubaci, and Jean Watson.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate,
Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-151 5A.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to approve an increase in the amount of
$2,300 for bid award ITB 13/14-15 (Council Resolution 145-136) upfitting for six Ford police vehi-
cles to the lowest qualified bidder, ABS Solutions.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate,
Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-152 5B.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Roscoe to authorize the disposal of Rescue #1 on the
Michigan Inter-Governmental Trade Network Virtual Auction Site (MITN.INFO) in accordance
with the City's Property Disposal Policy.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout,
Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-153 5C.
Moved by Abdo, seconded by Choate to authorize a no-fee permit for the Romulus
Middle School 5K-Walk to be held on Saturday, May 3rd beginning at 9:00 a.m. and temporary clo-
sure of:
Wick Rd between Wick Elementary and Ozga Rd.
Ozga Rd between Wick and the paved portion of Herman (including the dirt portion of
Herman and Tyler).
Herman between Ozga and Romaine.
Romaine between Herman and McBride.
McBride between Romaine and Ozga.
Wick Rd will be open after runners have cleared the roadway, and will be closed again
once the leader is back in the area.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-154 5D.
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Abdo to concur with the administration and authorize
expenditure of $15,000 for the repair of the roof (shingles and labor, faceboard and labor) at the
Romulus Civic League located at 11495 Wahrman Road.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden,
Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-155 5D1.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Makowski to concur with the administration and
grant a no-fee permit to the Romulus Civic League for the repairs of the roof (shingles and face-
board) at the Romulus Civic League located at 11495 Wahrman Road.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo,
Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried
14-156 5E.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Abdo to concur with administration and authorize
the mayor and clerk to enter into an agreement with Healthlink EMS to use, maintain, and improve a
City facility (Fire Station #3).
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski,
Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-157 5F.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to adopt a resolution to recognize DPW
Director, Roberto J. Scappaticci, and Assistant DPW Director, Keith Boc, to serve as representatives
for the City of Romulus as the primary and alternate designees, respectively, for the Joint
Management Committee, Downriver Utility Waste Authority, Alliance of Downriver Watersheds,
Alliance of Rouge Communities, and Long-Term Storm Water Maintenance System.
Roll Call
Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Carried Unanimously
14-158 5G.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Crout to authorize the mayor and clerk to enter into
an Intergovernmental Agreement with Wayne County for the Pennsylvania Road Resurfacing
Project (Middlebelt to Inkster Road) and approve the required payment of $35,921 for the upfront
"Working Capital Advance."
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski,
Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-159 5H.
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Makowski to introduce Budget Amendment 13/14-15 to
recognize the additional Act 51 monies received and the related expenses.
202-4200-512.57-60 State Revenue Sharing
1,188,354 28,000
202-4210-742.73-05 Routine Maint. Operating Supplies
21,000 5,000 26,000
202-4230-742.71-10 Winter Maint, Overtime Salaries
15,000 23,000 38,000
203-4300-512.57-60 State Revenue Sharing
415,470 72,223 487,693
203-4310-743.73-05 Routine Maint. Operating Supplies
17,500 5,000 22,500
203-4330-743.71-10 Winter Maint. Overtime Salaries
14,000 13,000 27,000
203-4310-743.90-10 Local Streets Project Costs
0 54,223 54,223
To recognize the additional Act 51 monies received and the related expenses.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
6A. Clerk's Report:
Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg announced that May 2, 2014 is the final day for resi-
dents who want their address to be in the Little Paper to advertise their participation in the city-wide
garage sale.
14-160 6A1.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Abdo to approve second reading and final adop-
tion of Budget Amendment 13/14-13, General Fund - introduced at the Council meeting of April 14,
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe Wadsworth.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-161 6A2.
Moved by Abdo, seconded by Wadsworth to approve second reading and final adop-
tion of Budget Amendment 13/14-14, Major Roads Fund, DDA, and Water and Sewer Fund - intro-
duced at the Council meeting of April 14, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate,
Crout, Makowski, Roscoe Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Deleted from agenda.
14-162 6A4.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Abdo to approve the City Clerk, Ellen Craig-Bragg
and Deputy Clerk, Barbara Fitzgerald, to attend the 2014 MAMC Annual Conference from June 24-
27, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
6B. Treasurer's Report
7. Public Comment
Jan Lemmon, Chairperson - Cemetery Board of Trustees, commented that the
group "Sacred Spaces Restoration" from Berkley, will be at the Romulus Memorial Cemetery on
Friday, May, 9, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. until Noon to restore historic monuments in the cemetery.
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Communication
14-163 11.
Moved by Choate, seconded by Makowski to approve Warrant 14-08 in the amount of
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus
City Council.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to
be a true copy of the minutes from the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on April
28, 2014.
Publish: May 15, 2014
Private company presents
plan for recreation center
The Wayne Community Center could be
under newmanagement soon.
In a letter to members of the city council,
Ali Sayid, president of HYPE Athletics
Community, Inc., proposed a 10-year con-
tract to take over themanagement and oper-
ation of the community center. Sayid further
suggested that the city sell a $500,000 10-
year municipal bond to fund enhancements
and improvements at the center.
Under the proposal, a sinking fund
would be established by the city to help
make payments on the bond. Included in
the capital improvements and investments
suggested by Sayid, is a conversion of the
current ice arena into basketball courts.
Sayid said that the Wayne Community
Center is an aging facility in need of a cos-
metic upgrade and that considerable capital
improvements are necessary to accommo-
date newprograms and services.
The proposed agreement would make
HYPE the exclusive operator of the center
andwould therefore, “be expected to pay all
items of expense for the operation, mainte-
nance, supervision and management” from
funds generated by the operation. At the
same time, HYPE is suggesting the city be
responsible for any major repairs or main-
tenance in excess of $10,000 and provide an
initial subsidy of $120,000 the first year of
the agreement. The subsidywould be neces-
sary, according to Sayid, to offset the current
low membership rate and program fees.
The letter indicated the subsidy of $120,000
would be annual, while Sayid told council
members that it could be revisited and that
the goal of HYPE is to become self funding
after the first year.
“The building is under the control of the
city because it's a city asset,” Sayid said. “It's
in need of remodeling and it's not up to
code. The parking lot is in very bad condi-
tion. The parking lot needs to be repaired or
replaced by the city because the building
remains as asset of the city.”
HYPE Athletics Community, Inc. is a
non-profit company based in Dearborn
“The reality is that memberships need to
become the number one revenue of the cen-
ter and it's (sic) not,” Sayid told the council
Council took no action on the proposed
plan which is expected to be discussed at a
(looking at the life in the creek), bird house
building, and a mercury thermometer
This site is being coordinated by Keshav
Raizada and is sponsored by theWayneCounty
Department of Public Services, Water Quality
Division. For more information, email kraiza-
Volunteers will also be at Workman
Elementary School, 250 Denton Road in
Canton from 9 a.m. until noon. The school is
located at the corner of Cherry Hill and
Denton roads. This site is also family friendly.
Projects will include invasive plant removal
(clover and teasel), weeding and trash removal
andnative flower plantings
This site is coordinated by Liza Bark and
the sponsor is Workman Elementary and the
PTOHabitat Commission at the school.
In Northville, volunteers will meet begin-
ning at 10 a.m. at Allen Drive Park on Novi
Street, not Novi Road at Allen Drive. The site
is just northwest of Eight Mile and Novi roads.
Parking is available onNovi Street.
Volunteers will work until 1 p.m. on projects
including ecological restoration activities such
as pulling invasive weeds and trash removal.
There will be a pot luck lunch after with crafts
available for children. Potting sun flower seeds
for them to take home, building more bird
houses for along the river and hopefully mak-
ing hummingbirdbottle feeders are planned.
All ages are welcome at this family friendly
The coordinator of this site is Callie Milroy.
In Northville Township, volunteers will
work from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. at Linear Park.
Drivers should take Six Mile west to Ridge
Road, head south on Ridge Road, past the
Arcadia Ridge entrance. There will be a small
parking lot on the east side of the roadwhich is
the start of theKidsFunRun.
Included in this event is a children's fun run
along Johnson Creek. This event is coordinat-
edby Jill Rickard andNorthvilleTownship.
Volunteers will also be at Mead's Mill in
Northville Township from 10 a.m. until noon.
Meads Mill can be accessed from Northville
Road or take Hines Drive between Homer
Street and Five Mile Road. This site, too, is
family friendly. Volunteers will be removing
trashandplanting native species.
This site is coordinated by Dan Freeman of,
Thrivent Financial. For more information, call
(248) 767-3704 or email daniel.freeman@
In Plymouth, Volunteers will meet at Smith
Elementary School - Byron Creek at 8 a.m. and
work until noon. The school is located at 1298
McKinley, in the area of Ann Arbor Road
betweenSheldonRoad andMainStreet.
Projects will include native planting, woody
debris management, invasive plant removal,
creek clean up and storm drain stenciling.
Free lunch for volunteers at noon.
Coordinator of this event is Adam Gerlach,
City of Plymouth. For more information, call
(734) 453-7737 or email: agerlach@ci.ply-
Volunteerswill also beworking inPlymouth
TownshipPark from9-11 a.m.
The park is located near Ann Arbor Trail,
east of Beck Road. Projects will include native
species enhancement and this site, too, is fami-
ly friendly.
Coordinator at this site is Susan Vignoe. For
more information, call (734) 414-1452.
In Wayne, volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. at
Goudy Park behind Wayne City Hall. Projects
include opening up logjams downstream of
Goudy Park. The goal is to open the river up
for canoeing and kayaking between Goudy and
Venoy-Dorsey parks.
Volunteers will also build benches for fish-
ing or river watching, removing invasive hon-
eysuckle and garlic mustard from nearby Mill
Trail andDynamite Park and create a rain gar-
den with native Michigan wetland plants at
Coordinator at this site is Kurt Kuban. For
more information, call (734) 716-0783 or email
Ten Hut
The Wayne Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps (JROTC) leadership team
placed 19th in the nation at the 2014
JROTC Leadership Bowl. Cadets Douglas
Chuong, Jesse Medlen, Nicholas
Parraghi, Jonathan Dennis and Nicole
Rodgers began the competition in
November 2013 that included more than
1,700 programs from al l 50 states,
American Samoa, Guam, the Virgin
Islands, Puerto Rico, Asia Pacific and
Wayne Memorial
High School team
advanced through
three rounds of
competition and
was named the 7th
Brigade Champion
in March, which
earned them a
position in the final
round in April.
Nicholas Parraghi
Jonathan Dennis
Nicole Rodgers
Douglas Chuong
Jesse Medlen