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Live artists return to delight crowds
Two of the most popular attractions
at Art in the Park are sisters Erin
Dillenbeck and Kristen Dillenbeck
Anderson who each bring a unique
artistic perspective to the event.
This year, Dillenbeck Anderson will
return with another of her “living
murals” in which she incorporates live
figures into the artwork.
TheNewYork artist, originally from
Canton, painted The Café Terrace on
the Place Du Forum by Vincent Van
Gogh last year which included a live
model seated at the bottom table of the
masterpiece. Audiences were able to
watch the piece take shape all week-
end at the corner of Main Street and
AnnArbor Trail.
Erin Dillenbeck of Canton will be
overseeing the chalk reproduction of a
famous Pablo Picasso creation on the
pavement at the intersection of Main
Street and Penniman all weekend.
Visitors can walk by and watch, all
three days, as the artwork takes shape
from the initial sketching to the filling
in of color and shading by the team of
young artists Dillenbeck will oversee
this year.
Dillenbeck, a realistic portrait artist,
has been at Art in the Park for several
years, along with her sister who will
return for the fourth consecutive year
withher living art.
The pair are favorites of Art in the
Park President Raychel Rork who said
the work of these artists is one of the
most popularwith visitors every year.
Erin Dillenbeck
Kristen Dillenbeck Anderson