Page 7 - 2013 Fall Festival

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“There are a lot of details andmoving parts to
organizing the barbeque and it takes a lot of com-
munication, but as long as we don't try to rein-
vent the wheel each year, it works well,” he
Opdyke's business, Serene Surroundings, has
been located inPlymouth for about 10 years. The
company specializes in landscape design, build-
ing andmaintenance alongwith snowremoval.
“This event comes at a good time of the year
for me,” he said. Opdyke and his wife, Laura,
who works at the barbeque as a volunteer each
year, are the parents of a 3-year-olddaughter.
“She hasn't worked the barbeque yet,”
Opdyke saidwith a smile, “but maybewe can put
her onbeverages this year.”
The barbeque dinners include a half chicken,
chips, a dinner roll, an ear of corn, a beverage
and a cookie. Prices are $10 per dinner if pur-
chased before Sunday from a Rotary Club mem-
ber or at the ticket booth onMainStreet. Dinners
the day of the event are $12. Dinners go on sale
at 11 a.m. and the sale continues until they are
sold out. Take out dinners are available at a
drive-through located at West Middle School on
SheldonRoad andAnnArbor Trail.